PowerSync Product Team
Flutter SDK

PowerSync Flutter Web Client SDK: Open Alpha

AUTHOR: PowerSync Product Team

We are excited to announce the open alpha release of the PowerSync Flutter Web client SDK.

Version 1.3.0-alpha of the existing PowerSync Flutter SDK now includes support for Flutter Web. See these notes in the Readme about the web implementation.

Getting started

The easiest way to test out the alpha is to run the Supabase Todo List demo app:

  • Checkout the powersync.dart repo's alpha_release branch. 

    • Note: If you are an existing user updating to the latest code after a git pull:

      • run melos exec 'flutter pub upgrade' the repo's root and make sure it succeeds

  • Then run melos prepare in the repo's root 

  • cd into the demos/supabase-todolist folder 

  • If you haven’t yet: cp lib/app_config_template.dart lib/app_config.dart

  • Run flutter run -d chrome

Help and feedback

If you need any help getting started or have any questions, chat with us on Discord. We'd also love to hear your feedback!

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