PowerSync Product Team
PowerSync Dashboard/Admin Portal

PowerSync Dashboard Release: Deploy Logs & Sync Rule Validation

AUTHOR: PowerSync Product Team

Deploy logs

PowerSync developers can now monitor the status of their instance and sync rule deploy tasks using the new Deploy Logs panel.

The Deploy Logs panel is available as a new tab on the righthand side of the Default workspace. It can also be opened via the command palette (CTRL/CMD+shift+p or shift+shift):

Ability to validate sync rules

We added a "Validate" button to the sync rules file to let developers validate their sync rules against an instance before a deploy.

These validations are different from the in-editor checks:

  • This validates against the actual schema, instead of just syntax.

  • This does additional connection-level checks, for example that the publication is configured correctly.

  • No line/column info is currently available.

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