PowerSync Product Team

PowerSync CLI [Beta]: v0.6.0

AUTHOR: PowerSync Product Team

We are excited to announce that version 0.6.0 of the PowerSync CLI has been released. The CLI is currently in a beta release.

Some users simply prefer a faster, more minimalist interface than the Dashboard for managing their PowerSync instances. In addition, the CLI enables users to:

  • Store their sync rules YAML files alongside their app code, and have multiple versions of them.

  • Manage PowerSync Service deploys as part of a CI/CD pipeline.

  • Hook up status monitoring to their error alerting tools.

Getting started: See the docs for details on getting started. The NPM package contains details about the available commands.



  • [ADDED] powersync can now be used as a global command when installing the CLI as a local dependency. Therefore you can now run powersync [command] in an NPM script.


  • [FIXED] Renamed "JWKS Audiences" to "JWT Audiences" to better mirror the Dashboard.


  • [FIXED] Duplicate -a char for create and deploy commands.

  • [IMPROVED] More helpful init message (added link to token docs).


  • [ADDED] Ability to generate developer tokens: instance generate-dev-token -u my-user-id -e 43200

  • [IMPROVED] Interactive commands are now also available as flags, e.g. instance create -n postgres -p your-password -u postgres -h your-hostname -a one,two -w -i cli-test -o 5432 -r EU

    • See the docs for the flag definitions.

  • [ADDED] Ability to define the JWT audience on create and deploy actions.


  • [IMPROVED] Updated dependencies to support the latest sync rules syntax.

  • [FIXED] Check when using skipConfirmation flag.


  • [ADDED] Japan region.


  • Initial Beta release.

Bugs? Feedback?

We would love to hear what you think about the CLI. Please share any feedback or bugs with us on our community Discord.

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